Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

I have some story to be told

Everyone kept telling that my heart is so difficult to catch.
I don’t know why?
But, when I do love someone, it’s so simple to catch my attention or my heart.
Although I haven’t showed it, of course I have a crush.
Hope it is only me who know, so I keep it my secret.

I wish someday there would be someone who loved me harder.
Someone who always says “it is nothing to forgive :)” when I made mistake.

I already met that someone.
But, we were just like parallel lines : always close, never together.
Seerat apapun kau memeluk, yang tidak ditakdirkan untukmu, akan hilang pada waktunya.

We’re like talking about The Ocean and The Moon.
Just like the moon,  you are up there and shining bright, and the ocean attracted to you.
You constantly pulling me up trying to touch me, and I am giving up my tide, do nothing but coming as closer to you as I can be.
The ocean and the moon they don’t belong together, but they are fighting for it, forever.

For someone who always there when I need.
Bila tiba ‘waktu’ dari masing-masing kita pergi. Ketahuilah!
Aku tidak pernah menyesal mengenalmu.
Bahkan hingga ‘perpisahan’ itu terjadi.
Aku doakan yang ‘terbaik’ untukmu, dan berharap doa yang ‘terbaik’ untukku.
(Dikutip dari puisi BJ Habibie)

Selamat membuka lembar kalender baru.
Selamat membuka kisah baru, kenangan baru.
Selamat terbangun di hari esok, lusa, dan seterusnya :)
Semangat menjalani aktivitas setiap harinya.
Ucapkan rasa syukur untuk hidup ini.
Because........... 2016 is ready to replace 2015.